Allow me go back a little in time to provide you with some details.
Our first step was to address calls made using VOIP technology, the Internet protocol. The reason for that is simple: TDM networks, which use time division multiplexing, are still in widespread use in Canada. Requiring providers to migrate to VOIP technology is one thing, but you have to understand that costs are associated with that. So you have to proceed gradually. That'll be the next step.
The United States has adopted or mandated out-of-band authentication, which makes it possible to certify calls even if they're carried on a TDM network. That's the approach we adopted in Canada. You have to understand that the Canadian market is smaller than the American one. You also have to consider the access to technological solutions that vendors provide.
For smaller service providers, the CRTC recently requested that the Canadian Secure Token Governance Authority increase their coverage so those providers could have easier access to those tokens too. So we're doing something for the small players.
The resellers among them can participate through their service provider, which will be able to validate their calls.