Part of the challenge, as you mentioned, is that you're dealing with very highly adaptive people, and they are criminals. They can very easily pivot to adopt the newest technique or figure out what technique works. For example, they will watch what's happening in terms of an incident or a government-type rebate, and they will very quickly be able to figure out how to go and put that scam pitch out to Canadians.
They are adapting technology to enable that as well. As we talked about, we now think that over 70% of the activity is cyber-enabled at the same time. We're working with law enforcement across the country to help them either build or acquire software or share best practices in techniques. There are some things out there now that, if we keep training on them in terms of techniques and what have you, are going to make us better prepared.
It's a bit like they move the yardsticks and then we have to keep moving the yardsticks down the field as well.