First of all, I want to make sure you know that MP Carr did consult with me before the introduction of this legislation. We wanted to have municipal voices included, so I'm kind of disappointed that this is not part of clause 2.
I'm also very proud, as many of you know, of my work on the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project, which would allow Alberta oil to be used throughout North America, as well as beyond North America. I'm the only person in this group, I think, who has demonstrated commitment to the oil and gas sector by actually doing something for the oil and gas sector. I believe Canada should not be buying oil from anywhere else; we should be using our own oil. I firmly believe that.
As we transition to renewable energy sources, climate change is a serious risk for the prairie provinces. We are seeing more droughts in our communities. We are seeing heatwaves in our communities. We are required to invest billions of dollars to upgrade the existing infrastructure so we can remain resilient to the impacts of climate change.
There are solutions out in the prairie provinces. That needs to be supported. For example, hydrogen offers such a considerable amount of potential for thousands and thousands of jobs for hard-working Albertans, and at the same time it helps us reduce emissions locally and offers a global solution to climate change.
LNG is another huge potential we have in the prairie provinces. That should be supported by the federal government. Carbon capture, storage, utilization, sequestration.... Yes, in the last budget the federal government made some changes, but we need to expand on those changes so we can support the growth in the economy of Alberta and diversify.
I don't think we're far apart. I agree with some of my other colleagues from Alberta that oil and gas will remain a big part of Canada's economy and Canada's energy. But we also need to diversify those sources so we are able to withstand the impact of climate change and make our communities greener.
It's not one against the other. It's more of each source of energy complementing the other and helping grow our economy and create jobs.