It's looking backwards, in other words, and not forwards. That's fine.
The example that comes to mind is electricity. I think all of us pay an electricity bill in our homes. We pay for the power at the rate at which we consume it. It doesn't do it now on electronic things, but the old meters used to spin around, and you could see how much power you were using. You knew your bill was going to go up because the thing was going fast.
Right now, I think when we look at plans.... My plan is 100 megabits per second, and it's $100 per month. The provider is placing a value on that higher speed. The 50 megabit per second rate is $50, so obviously that's worth less.
Consumers are paying the highest rate and getting a much lower-speed product. They're consuming at a lower rate, so they should be paying less. It's almost like a pay-as-you-go model, perhaps. I wonder how the witnesses today would respond to that kind of system.
I was hoping to draw a comparison between that kind of option versus something that I don't see explicitly in the bill as it's drafted now, a guaranteed minimum speed. The big boldface number that you think you're getting is the minimum speed. You'll pay for that, and if you don't get that speed, then there would be a reduction in price.
Those are two different ways of looking at how consumers could pay for what they're getting. I'd love to hear your response to that. Do you feel that there's room for amendments in this bill to accommodate either of those?