Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I was wondering whether we're going to have a subcommittee meeting to look at what legislation is going to come forth and so forth. Some of these motions are excellent. Actually, they're all really good motions, and in different ways. I have amendments to them, but at any rate, I'm just wondering whether we're going to have our own planning meeting, because it will be interesting to find out out where Bill C-27 stands as we're working through this.
Obviously, the one by Mr. Perkins with regard to the PBO officer is just one meeting, so that's easy to deal with and dispense with, but the other suggestions are more comprehensive and would require planning.
I'll just throw that out there. Maybe you can share with us how you would like to deal with this or if we are going to go one-off at them at the end of the meeting if there's time, or maybe on Thursday, if we can get through Bill C-34 today or next week.