This provision was the subject of extensive discussion in CANON's consultations. In our brief, which was submitted to INDU, you'll see some specific provisions we are suggesting to enhance privacy protection with respect to the personal information that would be subject to these disclosures. Éloïse Gratton mentioned elements of these.
We indicated, in addition to personal information being de-identified, notification to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and entering into a specific agreement that binds the recipient. Then we added—in order to ensure we stay temporal with this and current—that the organization must comply with any other prescribed requirement. It gives the government an opportunity to reassess and then introduce regulations to further add even more requirements for perhaps the recipients of the data or the disclosing entity.
We think disclosure for socially beneficial purposes is excellent, because of the good. It's “data for good”. However, we strongly believe, and we've made specific recommendations to this end, that there should be additional privacy protections implemented with respect to that provision in order to help strike this balance.