Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I'm from the University of Victoria, although I'm currently in Australia. I wish everybody a good day.
I would like to emphasize five specific areas for reform of the CPPA and to suggest ways in which the bill might be brought into better alignment with Quebec's law 25. I don't think that Bill C-27 should be allowed to undermine Quebec law, and in some respects, it does. I also think these are some of the areas where the bill will be vulnerable when the European Commission comes to evaluate whether Canadian law continues to provide an adequate level of protection.
Some of these recommendations are taken from the report that you have from the Centre for Digital Rights, which I'd like to commend to you.
First, I believe that CPPA's proposed section 15, on consent, is confusing to both consumers and businesses. In particular, I question the continued reliance on “implied consent” in proposed subsection 15(5), which states, “Consent must be expressly obtained is appropriate to rely on an individual's implied consent”.
The bill enumerates those business activities for which consent is not required, including if “the organization has a legitimate interest that outweighs any potential adverse effect on the individual”. That's a standard that has been imported from the GDPR. However, in the GDPR, “consent” means express consent; it's “freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous”.
In the current version of the CPPA, businesses can have it both ways. They can declare that they have implied consent because of some inaction that a consumer allegedly took in the past because of not reading the legalese in a complex terms-of-service agreement, or they can assert a “legitimate interest” in the personal data by claiming that there is no “potential adverse effect on the individual”. That is a risk assessment performed by the company rather than a judgment made about the human rights of individuals to control their personal information.
In that respect, it's really important that the bill be brought within a human rights framework. There should be no room for implied consent in this legislation. It's a dated idea that creates confusion for both consumers and businesses.
Second, there is no section in the CPPA on international data transfers. I find that very odd. I know of no other modern privacy law that fails to give businesses proper guidance on what they have to do if they want to process personal data offshore. The only requirement is for the organization to require the service provider, “by contract or otherwise,” to ensure “a level of protection of the personal information equivalent to that which the organization is required to provide under this Act.” That's proposed subsection 11(1) of the CPPA.
That due diligence applies whether the business is transferring personal data to another province in Canada or overseas to a country that may or may not have strong privacy protection or, indeed, a record of the protection of human rights. That's particularly troubling because of proposed section 19 of the CPPA, which reads, “An organization may transfer an individual's personal information to a service provider without their knowledge or consent.”
The Canadian government has never gotten into the business of adopting a safe harbour approach or a white list, and I'm not recommending that. However, Quebec, I believe, has legislated an appropriate compromise under section 17 of law 25, which requires businesses to do an assessment, including of the legal framework, when sending personal data outside of Quebec. As many businesses will have to comply with the Quebec legislation, why not mirror that provision in Bill C-27?
Third, the bill ignores important accountability mechanisms that were pioneered in Canada and exported to other jurisdictions, including Europe. Therefore, it's very strange that those same measures do not appear in the CPPA. In particular, privacy impact assessments are an established instrument and a critical component of accountable personal data governance, and they should be required in advance of product or service development, particularly where invasive technologies and business models are being applied, where minors are involved, where sensitive personal information is being collected, or where the processing is likely to result in a high risk to an individual's rights and freedoms. Businesses do the PIAs, and they stand ready to demonstrate their compliance or their accountability to the regulator.
A fourth and related problem is the absence of any definition of sensitive forms of personal data. The word “sensitivity” appears throughout the legislation in several provisions of the bill, but with the exception of the specification about data on minors, it is nowhere defined. In my view, the bill should define what “sensitive information” means, and it should also enumerate a non-exhaustive list of categories, which, in fact, occurs in many forms of legislation.
Finally—I know you've heard about this in the past, and I've researched on this—the absence of proper privacy standards for federal political parties is unjustifiable and untenable. The government is relying on the argument that the FPPs’ privacy practices are regulated under the Elections Act, but those provisions are nowhere near as strong as in Bill C-27. I think businesses resent the fact that parties are exempted. This is not an issue that will go away, given advances in technology and its use in modern digital campaigning. Canada is one of the few countries in the world in which political parties are not covered by applicable privacy law.
Thank you so much.