Well, the nature of the contemporary economy, the data economy, is that you absorb data on people to manipulate them, and you use that data to do all kinds of things that benefit the keeper, the controller, of that data, who puts them into algorithms.
My view of this is that you need to deal with this ex ante. Who says you can collect that data? Who says you're allowed to manipulate me? I come here representing civil society, as a citizen. The harms of mismanagement here are deep and they are great, and they don't benefit Canada or Canadians in this model.
When I was young, teachers smoked cigarettes in the classroom. We are going to look back 10 years from now and say that it was remarkably absurd that we did this to our children and our society. This is your chance to be on the right side of history: what is good for society, the vulnerable and the country, and what is not.