I'm glad you came back to consent fatigue, because many of us feel consent fatigue much of the time, but not always. This is where ongoing consent is very important. It's having the power to have a simple, easy-to-understand dashboard that essentially has a privacy slider from here to there, and either I can come in before I start using the service and say, “I want to be here” or—and this is crucial—I can come back after having used the service for a period of time and say, “I have changed my mind. I had consent fatigue when I first signed up. I ended up clicking through something I shouldn't have, but now I have thought about it, I have the presence of mind and I no longer want to be on the most permissive side of this.”
The ability to revoke my consent or at least restrict the way my data is being used in a way that, to date, I haven't been able to is very important as well.