Very good. Thank you.
Mr. Chair, I'd like to give notice of a motion, if I may.
My apologies to the witnesses. This will take a few minutes.
That, in relation to Bill C‑27, An Act to enact the Consumer Privacy Protection Act, the Personal Information and Data Protection Tribunal Act and the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act and to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts, and given that, (i) the Minister of Innovation, Science, and Industry gave evidence to the Committee on September 26, 2023, stating “My office and department have had more than 300 meetings with academics, businesses and members of civil society regarding this bill.” the committee therefore requests, for the sake of transparency, that the minister’s office and department release the details pertaining to the more then 300 meetings held by his office and department with academics, businesses, and civil group, on Bill C‑27, broken down by each meeting, including, (a) names of any and all meeting attendees, including the name of representing organizations if applicable; (b) the title of each meeting and any agendas if applicable; (c) material submitted by the meeting attendees or organizations to the department or minister’s office, including but limited to amendment proposals, briefings, and or letters; and that such information be deposited to the clerk of the committee no later then November 20th, 2023, and be published on the committee website.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.