Thank you, Dr. Guilmain.
Mr. Chair, I'd like to propose a motion, because I was poked by the bear. I wasn't going to do this, but I'll do it now, anyway.
I move that, pursuant to the request for documents passed by the committee on November 21, 2023, the committee order the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development to produce unredacted copies of the Stellantis-LGES battery plant contracts to members of the committee in both official languages—in other words, get it translated—by Tuesday, November 28; further, that the committee pause the study of Bill C-27 until the contracts have been circulated.
The reason, Mr. Chair, for doing so is that we all know the government has hired, over the last few years, another hundred thousand officials. Surely, they can get it translated if the contracts weren't presented in both official languages. It surprises me that the government would not have contracts in both official languages before signing them.
I request that all efforts be made on this critical issue, where such a large government subsidy is involved and where there are such conflicting public reports about what's going on, so that we get access, as committee members, to the terms outlined—as MP Turnbull amended and as the Liberals voted for, ultimately—in the motion at our last meeting. Get the French quickly. It should not take some undefined period of time for the government to present it. We can't get on with the urgent nature of what we passed at the last meeting without, justifiably, a French version and an English version of the contracts.
I think the government should treat this with the most expediency and put all the resources it can into addressing the needs of this committee. I'm asking that they produce the translated documents very quickly. Once we get them, we'll pause for the day or two we need to look at the contracts. This isn't an indefinite pause. It's to give us the opportunity. Let's say we had them by Thursday. Instead of Thursday's meeting, we would have the day on Thursday to take a look at the contracts, if that's the way it works out.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.