Thank you so much. It's a great and distinct honour for me to have been invited to speak at this very important session. I'm only sorry I can't be there in person. I appreciate your willingness to allow me to do this by video conference.
I have read some of the previous testimony, and of course I've read the excellent petition for protection that was prepared with the assistance of the Honourable Irwin Cotler. I will not repeat what has been said previously or what is in the petition, though I certainly incorporate by reference much of the material that has previously been presented to you.
I have devoted my entire professional life to defending free speech, even of those such as Nazis, Holocaust deniers, virulent anti-Semites, and other bigots whom I fundamentally despise. I stand for a maximalist view of freedom of expression, and this has brought me into conflict even with some of my closest friends and associates. For example, I've debated the Honourable Irwin Cotler on several occasions with regard to hate crimes, group defamation, falsification of history, Holocaust denial, and advocacy of criminal conduct. I believe that all these forms of expression, despicable and dangerous as they are, should be protected.
In my recent book, Finding Jefferson, I present arguments for why censorship laws are generally more dangerous than the speech that they seek to censor. Yet I'm here today calling for the criminalization of incitement to genocide as practised by the Iranian regime in general, and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in particular. Is there not a conflict between my lifelong defence of free speech and my support for treating Ahmadinejad as an international criminal? Let me explain why there is not, and indeed why my support for a maximalist view of free speech actually provides an important justification for indicting Ahmadinejad and his government for incitement to genocide.
The paradigm of free speech is the individual dissident protesting the actions of government. Censorship is a tool employed by governments against dissidents. This has been the case since the beginning of recorded history. The classic arguments in favour of freedom of speech presuppose the private individual confronting the power of government. The dissenter stands alone, often despised, not only by those in power but also by his fellow citizens. He or she often represents an extreme minority view unpopular with the general public. The awful powers of government sanctions and mass condemnation stand against the individual dissenter. Sometimes the dissenter is virtuous. Sometimes he is vicious. Sometimes he advocates peace. Sometimes he calls for violence.
We are incapable of writing laws that protect only the virtuous. Accordingly, for the marketplace of ideas to remain open, it is imperative that freedom of speech be available to those we despise. As H. L. Mencken once put it quite colourfully, the trouble about fighting for human freedom is that you have to spend so much of your life defending SOBs, for oppressive laws are always aimed at them originally, and oppression must be stopped in the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.
Experience has taught us that there cannot be free speech for me but not for thee. Accordingly, because I wanted freedom of expression for Martin Luther King to march through Birmingham, Alabama, I had to support freedom of expression for neo-Nazis to march through Skokie, Illinois. Because I support the right of Robert Mapplethorpe to exhibit beautiful art, I've had to support the right of Larry Flynt to publish the ugliest pornography.
Why then do I not also support the right of Ahmadinejad to incite genocide against the Jewish state, its citizens, and the Jewish people? There are several reasons. The first and most important is that he is not an individual speaking as a dissenter against his government. He is the Government of Iran speaking to suppress the rights of the individual. Governments do not have rights as such; individuals have rights in relation to the power of government. When Ahmadinejad incites genocide, he does so with the full force of the Iranian government behind him. This is especially dangerous in a regime that permits no dissent.
I was recently in the presence of Ahmadinejad and several dozen of his Iranian subjects at the Durban II conference in Geneva. I took the opportunity to have discussions with many Iranian citizens of different ages. I engaged them in conversation about Ahmadinejad's views. It was clear that they were terrified that anything they might say might be construed as disagreement with Ahmadinejad. I asked several young people whether they thought the Holocaust was a myth, as Ahmadinejad had told them, or whether Israel was a cancer that must be wiped off the map. They quickly agreed with Ahmadinejad's views. I asked them whether they knew any people who disagreed. They said no.
There is no marketplace of ideas, at least not officially, in Ahmadinejad's Iran. Accordingly, Ahmadinejad's incitement to genocide is not offered as an idea to be debated. Instead, it is a direction, an instruction. It is closely analogous to the incitements to genocide that have been punished in Rwanda by the international courts. It is the equivalent of a military order given by a commander to his troops, by a mafia don to his soldiers, or by a religious leader to followers. It is to be followed without question or without dissent. In this respect, it is the antithesis of freedom of speech, the opposite of the marketplace of ideas. It closes off discussion, debate, and dissent.
The second reason I support prosecution of Ahmadinejad is that the combination of such incitement to genocide and the development of nuclear weapons presents a clear and present danger of actual genocide to the world in general and to Israel and the Jewish people in particular.
There are those who argue that Ahmadinejad's call to wipe Israel off the map is intended as a metaphor, or has been translated incorrectly, or is merely a political statement. This misses the point.
Ahmadinejad well knows that his statements will be understood by many as a call for genocide. When a leader of a nation that will soon have nuclear weapons dehumanizes an entire group, as Ahmadinejad and the Iranian regime have dehumanized the citizens of Israel and the Jewish people--all of this is spelled out in the petition to which I referred previously--a demand from that leader to wipe Israel off the map is more than an incitement to genocide. It is a specific direction and instruction to use nuclear weapons to create the firestorm that Ahmadinejad has called for. These weapons need not be fired from rocket launchers or dropped from planes. They can be smuggled into a country as dirty bombs by individuals who have been incited by what they regard as superior orders or religious obligations.
Nor is Ahmadinejad alone. Listen to an account of a statement made by Hashemi Rafsanjani to an American journalist, in which he boasted that: Iranian [nuclear] attack would kill as many as five million Jews. Rafsanjani estimated that even if Israel retaliated by dropping its own nuclear bombs, Iran would probably lose only fifteen million people, which he said would be a small “sacrifice” from among the billion Muslims in the world.
Now, leaders of a nuclear-armed nation that offers such genocidal and suicidal calculations are, in effect, issuing instructions to their citizens. They are guilty of incitement to genocide and worse. They must be stopped before the genocide is carried out. Words matter. Instructions matter. They should be prosecuted, not only for what they've said but for what they've done and for what they have urged others to do. They should be put on watch lists. They should be denied entry into peaceful nations that are committed to preventing genocide.
The world cannot afford once again to look back after genocide and regret that we did not take seriously the incitements to genocide that preceded the awful event. We have had too long a history, with two repeated episodes, of looking back at genocides that were preventable and saying we wish we had done something earlier.
Now is the opportunity to satisfy our international obligation to prevent genocide before it occurs. As Edmund Burke observed many years ago, all that is required for evil to succeed is for good men--and, I would add, good women--to remain silent. I know that you will not remain silent in the face of this demonstrable evil.
Thank you very much.