Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for the opportunity to address the committee on this important subject.
The coordinating responsibility within the Government of Canada for the U.N. Security Council resolutions on women, peace and security resides with the Department of Foreign Affairs, and specifically with the Stabilization and Reconstruction Task Force, for which I am the director general.
We work closely with a number of partners across government on this issue, including CIDA, the RCMP, Public Safety and the Department of National Defence. As you mentioned, several colleagues from DFAIT join me today to address questions you may have about specific geographic situations or broader human rights matters.
The Government of Canada takes seriously its commitment to the women, peace and security agenda. We regard full implementation of the four U.N. Security Council resolutions on women, peace and security—1325, 1820, 1888 and 1889—as important for the long term effectiveness of international responses to conflict or cases of fragility; to protecting civilians in such circumstances; and for building peace that respects the fundamental equality of men and women.
These resolutions commit member states and the U.N. system to a number of goals and activities. First of all, they ask us to consider the fact that women, girls, men and boys each experience war differently. All four resolutions commit member states and the U.N. system to strengthen efforts to prevent violence, including sexual violence; advocate for the active and meaningful participation and representation of women and local women groups in peace and security activity; promote and protect the security and rights of women and girls; and work to ensure women's equal access to humanitarian and development assistance, as well as to justice.
These resolutions provide us with an important framework; but their implementation remains very much a work in progress, both at the international level, as well as for Canada.
I know this committee is particularly interested in these resolutions as they relate to sexual violence. We have seen many contexts where sexual violence is used as a deliberate tactic by the warring parties. Belligerents know that this violence has terrible direct consequences for the women and their families. They also know that sexual violence has the potential to destroy the social fabric of entire communities which can reduce a community's resistance and resilience.
Security Council Resolution 1820, adopted in 2008, was the first Security Council resolution to recognize conflict-related sexual violence as a tactic of war. It notes the particular impact of conflict on civilians and “that women and girls are particularly targeted by the use of sexual violence, including as a tactic of war to humiliate, dominate, instill fear in, disperse and/or forcibly relocate civilian members of a community or ethnic group”.
Mr. Chairman, Canada has been seized of these issues for many years, having played an important role in the original development of Security Council Resolution 1325, and having fostered a number of the developments in the subsequent resolutions that have emerged before the council in the last year and a half.
A key element of our efforts to implement these resolutions includes strong diplomatic advocacy, and I'd like to give you some examples of the kind of work we've been doing in this respect. For example, Canada has been vocal about the need to ensure that all UN peacekeeping operations have a strong mandate to protect civilians, including preventing sexual violence. While strong mandates are important, they're not sufficient. Peacekeeping operations also need to be given clear operational and tactical guidance so that they can follow through on the mandates that have been issued to them.
We're pleased in this respect that the Department of Peacekeeping Operations is working to put in place a strategic framework for mission-specific protection of civilian strategies. This is something we have long advocated for, including in our capacity as chair of the UN Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations.
Similarly, Canada's been at the forefront of efforts to address issues of sexual violence in the context of humanitarian emergencies, including support we've provided to the UN protection standing capacity and the UN gender capacity standby project. In addition, we've been a consistent supporter of international criminal justice mechanisms, including the International Criminal Court and the Special Court for Sierra Leone, both of which have worked to hold the perpetrators of sexual violence to account for their crimes. We've played a key role in ensuring that sexual violence has been recognized as a war crime and as a crime against humanity.
In New York, Canada has also used its role as chair of the special Group of Friends of Women, Peace and Security, and the Group of Friends on Children and Armed Conflict, to strategize with partner countries in order to hold the UN system and member states accountable to the commitments they've made, and then to make concrete recommendations to different UN bodies. In fact, Minister Cannon co-chaired a meeting of the group of friends along with the UN Secretary-General this past September.
Finally, with respect to our global engagement, I thought it would be interesting to note the work we've done to support civil society's efforts to implement the women, peace, and security agenda. Examples include efforts to support women's organizations in Burundi, Sri Lanka, Timor Leste, and Uganda to increase awareness and to advocate around Resolution 1325. We've also been a strong supporter of the NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security, which works to track implementation of Security Council Resolution 1325, and advocate for actions on its behalf at UN headquarters in New York.
In parallel to the work we've been doing at the multilateral level and at the global policy level, we've also been working to try to integrate these concerns into our country's specific activities. In countries like Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Sudan, Burundi, and others, we've supported a broad spectrum of responses to address inequality and sexual violence. This includes support to improve the monitoring and reporting of sexual violence against women, to provide investigation and human rights training to peacekeeping and local security forces, to ensure that services are in place to the survivors of sexual violence, and to build the capacity of women's organizations in these countries to address and combat sexual violence.
I've limited my summary of all the kinds of activities we've done in geographic situations so that we can have more of a discussion, hopefully, about these issues when we get to the Qs and As.
Mr. Chairman, if you don't mind, I thought I would take a couple of minutes just to talk about the action plan the government adopted on October 5. As I'm sure you're all aware, the government has developed a national action plan for the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions on women, peace and security. The action plan aims to build on our work to date and seeks to enhance Canada's capacity to safeguard and support women and girls during all phases of peace operations and post-conflict reconstruction efforts. The plan did benefit from fairly extensive consultations with civil society.
The plan is meant to guide the way we develop policy and doctrine; how we will select and deploy our staff abroad, whether it's Canadian police personnel, Canadian Forces personnel, or Canadian civilian personnel from government departments; and how we'll make sure they have the right guidance and knowledge to be able to effectively implement Canadian policies in the field.
The action plan is forward-looking. We very much recognized, as we were developing it, that it's not one of those action plans where we can already tick off all of the things within the action plan as being things the government is in a position to do. It's going to require us to strive to do new things and to do other things differently. And I would submit quite humbly before this committee that it was developed with the understanding that we don't currently have in place all the mechanisms, tools, and strategies to implement what we've set out, but what it does indicate is that we're committed to doing so.
Developing these capacities is going to be especially important as part of the implementation process, and during the first few years of implementation we're hoping to establish our baseline data so that we can continue to improve over time.
The action plan is not a specific project to be implemented in isolation. We very much have attempted to make sure that it's understood by departments and agencies that it's an overarching document meant to influence all of their activities related to women, peace, and security work. When they're doing work on fragile and conflict-affected states or other crisis situations, they're supposed to be bearing in mind and taking into account the actions set out in the plan.
You'll note, therefore, that no specific money has been set aside. We are seeking to make sure that all of our existing work has this lens associated with it. So the work done by Foreign Affairs and CIDA, for instance, with respect to policy development and programming, should be taking into account the national action plan. It should also be taken into account when we're looking at deploying military and civilian personnel to international peace operations.
You would have noticed that we put in indicators wherever practicable to help us measure our progress in areas such as training, policy development and analysis, programming, women's participation, advocacy, and reporting. These indicators will be very crucial to help us to identify any gaps in our response. Canada is among the first countries to actually utilize indicators in its national action plan. We were inspired to do so by the recent decision by the UN to develop indicators in order to increase accountability on this issue. So the international community, as a whole, is very much learning as they go, and we're benefiting from that.
The government plans to produce an annual report during the lifespan of the action plan up to March 2016. DFAIT will convene regular meetings of an interdepartmental working group, will coordinate with our other government department colleagues, and will look at both qualitative and quantitative input from each organization. The first report will be for the 2011-12 fiscal year. We've also built into the action plan a mid-point review so that we can take stock and assess whether or not there are new things that we need to be adding and what we need to recalibrate.
Each government department and agency is responsible for implementing its components of the action plan, and are responsible as a result for developing their internal processes and policies to do so, while at the same time, hopefully, capturing lessons learned and best practices, which would then get shared within the interdepartmental committee.
Given the committee's specific interest on sexual violence, I thought I would end by just noting some specific elements in the action plan that pertain to that. One important element is the strong emphasis we've tried to place on training. We need to ensure that our deployed personnel have the necessary capacity and appropriate attitude to perform their responsibilities in a manner that takes into account the differentiated experience of conflict on men and women and girls and boys. We think this will better prepare our staff to adequately respond when they do witness or encounter instances of sexual violence.
For example, action 17 requires region- and mission-specific training related to sexual violence, sexual exploitation and abuse, and human trafficking. Action 2 outlines the need for a systematic inclusion of modules on women, peace, and security in all Canadian training for military personnel, police, and civilian personnel being deployed operationally. This will include specific training on codes of conduct, cultural awareness, HIV/AIDS, and trafficking in persons, as well as Canadian and international law applicable to the human rights and protection of women and girls.
In conclusion, I would underscore again that we're committed to supporting efforts that prevent violence, including sexual violence against women and girls in conflict, and to protecting their rights in such circumstances.
We believe Canada's action plan will enhance existing Government of Canada collaboration and the effectiveness of our response. The action plan is very much an aspirational document meant to guide policy and programming efforts across the government. We have a lot of work to do between now and 2016 with this first iteration of the action plan to be able to implement what we believe is an ambitious agenda, but we're determined to make progress.
Thank you very much.