Thank you, honourable members of Parliament, for giving me this opportunity, although from a distance. I would prefer to be there in person, but since I'm travelling a lot, it is not possible this time. Thank you for allowing me to participate through video conference.
Allow me to put this in a bigger picture. As you heard, I'm the first one to hold this post, the secretary-general's special representative on conflict-related sexual violence.
Why are we talking about this? I would say it's because of the changing nature of war. We have traditionally thought of war as a conflict between two well-disciplined and well-trained armies on the battlefield, but this is no longer the common feature. Modern wars and conflicts are often in failed states, or they are civil wars; they are intra-state. They are often carried out by armed groups that are difficult to control. This has left women and children, that is, civilians, on the front line not as armed soldiers but as victims.
Today most of the victims in fact are civilians. It is very important to understand this phenomenon. Historically, it is actually described in the Bible. In stories about the Trojan War, we can read about virgins being a war prize. It could seem that this is something inevitable, but it is not. It is important to understand that first and foremost.
It has been referred to as history's greatest silence. It is still surrounded by silence and, I would say, shame. Unfortunately, the shame falls on the victims, not the perpetrators.
This issue is important and is being placed on the Security Council's agenda because it is such a heavy impediment to building a sustainable peace. It undermines social security and destroys families and society. It also prevents women's participation in economic activities and often prevents girls from going to school. The trust in the construction of a country's justice system and a state's ability to protect its citizens are also undermined. It's a very serious phenomenon.
We have seen it recently being used as a political tool to punish political opponents. We've seen this in Kenya. We saw it in Conakry, Guinea. We are seeing it now in Côte d'Ivoire. It was acknowledged 10 years ago by Security Council Resolution 1325, which framed it as a resolution on women, peace and security, giving women a particular role when it comes to war and peace and peace-building. Since then, we've had a number of follow-up resolutions which mention specifically sexual violence as a weapon of war or a tactic in modern warfare.
Last year the resolution that set up my post was adopted by the Security Council. Last December, Resolution 1960 gave my team and me access to the tools we need. That is, the Security Council said that it is willing to use all the tools available, including such things as sanctions, the freezing of assets and visa bans to prevent rapists from having a political, military, or civil career. That is extremely important.
In closing, I have set an agenda for myself with five points.
Number one is to end impunity. These types of crimes have been met with total impunity and amnesty. We need to empower women, and that goes hand in hand with fighting impunity. We have to create the political ownership of this issue for both women and men. It is not solely a women's issue. It is a human rights issue. We have to rethink rape as a tactic of war. We have to understand the phenomenon better. We have to harmonize and coordinate better within the UN system because today, the majority of the mandates for our peacekeeping missions contain a paragraph about protecting civilians. Civilians are men and women, but women have their particular needs and it has to be designed that way. This is what we are doing.
We have also identified seven focus countries. We have to engage more long term and in a deeper way with a number of countries. Five of them are in Africa. But this is not a cultural problem; it has also occurred in Europe, as we know from the war in the Balkans. Bosnia-Herzegovina is one of our focus countries, as is Colombia. But the five countries in Africa are: Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Côte d'Ivoire, Sudan, and Liberia, a supposed conflict country. This is also something that we need to follow up to see how it affects a country long term.
We are working full speed to make sure this is an advocacy task, to make sure there is better knowledge and better awareness of this phenomenon. You can be sure it is also part of what is going on now in northern Africa, unfortunately. This will remain a very heavy impediment on restoring sustainable peace, which is why I am grateful that you and your committee have supported it on your agenda.
I'll answer any questions you may have.