That is the hardest of all. I have a philosophy that if you beat the enemy you feel good about it; if he beats you, you live with it. If we don't do something different we'll be living with their death. They will be rolled up by Maliki. We saw what was done in 2009, and it was more brutal in 2011.
Earlier I referenced the Alamo, where Santa Anna attacked twice. Maliki is going to attack the third time. It's going to be brutal, and the survivors are then going to be rolled up. Maliki has already put out in the press that he's going to take them to Nazária and Samaha. They may be going to the old Japanese camp, which is an awesome camp and could be used very effectively to not only keep people out but to keep people in. Then they'll be processed for going to Iran.
Maliki has not cooperated with UNHCR, as he claims he has. He has commitments to Ahmadinejad and Khamenei. When he attacked before, he attacked with Sadr. As a matter of fact, I need to mention this to emphasize my point. Maliki is not only Prime Minister, but he has maintained himself as the Minister of Defence and Minister of the Interior. He has eight special brigades assigned directly to him and nobody else, even if he wasn't Minister of Defence. He's going to use his forces, and he's going to use them brutally.
Maliki also has secret prisons all through his country. We used to go busting them all the time. I wish I had come out of Iraq with the meat hook we took out of one of his compounds. On the fourth floor of the basement of the Ministry of Interior he had secret detention facilities where people were being tortured.
He is going to do the same thing to the mujahedin. Then he'll say, as he said in a letter to the UN, that he tried to cooperate with us, but we are not cooperating. The mujahedin is being accused of not cooperating. Madam Parsai, the leader, is willing to cooperate with us in any way possible with reasonable means.
On this thing about wanting to take them out of Ashraf to put them somewhere else, they have the logistical support there. They have everything else they need. They're supporting themselves—life support. By taking them somewhere else you break them up. It's divide and conquer. It's going to be brutal.