Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I know I have very little time, so I'd like to follow up on the reference from Mr. Cotler about some of the recent killings. Antonio Trejo Cabrera was a lawyer who was killed in September 2012. His brother was killed last month. Antonio was amongst those opposing congress's creation of special development regions, informally known as charter cities. Opposing them is unconstitutional, bringing a case before the court.
Now, bracketing their legality—I'm not going to ask you about that—and given that charter cities or special development regions, as they're called, are presented as important for economic development, what position has Canada—or CIDA in particular—taken or does it now take on the initiatives of special development regions as a policy matter? Has Canada to this point done anything to facilitate the creation of those entities, either in terms of Canadian or non-Canadian actors who would like to be part of special development regions?