There are a variety of possible and imaginable charges. In particular, you could be charged with espionage or conspiracy.
There's a fairly detailed list of other possible charges, whether the journalist is local or foreign. Foreign journalists have been detained for several months now in Venezuela, including a German journalist named Billy Six. He was charged with espionage because he was taking photos of President Maduro during a public speech. He isn't allowed to ask for legal assistance, and he has been allowed to contact his family only once since he was thrown in prison almost two months ago.
We're dealing with a range of charges that have absolutely no validity. In our opinion, the charges are simply intended to silence not only journalists, but also bloggers and other people. A Twitter user is currently in prison in Venezuela because he tweeted public information about the route of an internal flight taken by President Maduro's airplane. He was charged with trying to destabilize the government in power and prepare for a terrorist attack.
There are many examples, and we don't think that these are valid reasons for imprisoning journalists.