The issue of forced marriages and forced conversion has already been considered. It's a burning issue in Pakistan not only today, but has been for many years, because we have seen and observed that the young Hindu or Christian girls are kidnapped and forcefully converted from their religion and forcefully married to some man of the majority religion. It has been a big issue for us.
There was a time when some legislators tried to bring forth some amendments to this law of converting to some other religion, especially to the religion of Islam. However, again there was a controversial statement and protest by the majority that they cannot bind the conversion of the religion to age. We were demanding that they should be some particular age and especially that it should be 18 years. If it's less than 18 years, how can a minor, who does not understand her religion, be converted to some other religion and understand the other religion?
Also, our reservation has always been that it is only the minority women. Why not the men? Why are the men not interested in getting converted to other religions? Why is it only girls and women who are abducted, forcefully converted and forcefully married to the Muslim men?