[Witness spoke in Spanish, interpreted as follows:]
Thank you very much.
I have been referring to two different organizations. One is the local, which is the Environmental Action Network. In seven years there were two occasions on which there were administrative actions that took place with the intent of dismantling our organization. However, I'm also referring to the regional context, the regional organization, which is the Latin American Network of Women Defenders of Social and Environmental Rights, which has a presence in several Latin American countries. That network has faced several instances of harassment.
There has been, for example, the murder of people like Berta Cáceres, but other forms of violence are also taking place, for example, stigmatization. There have also been cases of hostility against women, for example, by ex-President Correa.
We have also been exposed. Our images, our faces, have been displayed on public screens in order to stigmatize us and in order to stigmatize women. We're accused of not staying within the home or of not working only at home. These women are attacked for participating in manifestations and protests and participating actively with their children. Especially rural women in rural communities are harassed. They're harassed for including their children.
Indigenous women and peasant women in rural communities often participate in protests with their children and, therefore, they're stigmatized. They are stigmatized in three ways. They are stigmatized by local leaders. They're also stigmatized by companies that are present in that local community, and they are also stigmatized by the government.
I should also maybe quickly mention that we have a report which we presented at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. We mentioned, for example, the murder of Dora Sorto and we also addressed the criminalization of women human rights defenders and also mentioned the case of Ecuador, for example, in Shuar territory, where many indigenous Shuar women have suffered effects from the military.