That's a big question. In terms of the work I do, I don't know that I'm qualified to fully say what is the best political structure. Obviously, from Freedom House we support the growth of democracy, but as I noted in my testimony, even in places that are democratic there are still challenges in the way in which minorities across the board, certainly Christian but also other religious minorities, can be treated.
I don't know that I have the research or political science background to be able to speak to the question as you've asked it. I'm sure there are many people who have written on it and who are far more knowledgeable than I am about that. I will say, in terms of western countries, that there has been at least some positive movement. As to where there is some positive development, Canada, Ireland and Malta, I believe, have recently rescinded blasphemy laws that were still on the books. They were obviously not being utilized in the same kinds of ways as in the testimony given by me and others on the panel, but that is certainly an example to be positive about.
Others on the panel might be able to speak to your question more significantly than I've been able to.