First of all, I thank Mr. Sweet for taking note of that.
I have been involved, in particular, regarding the killing of prisoners of conscience in China for their organs, primarily Falun Gong. There have been others as well—Tibetans, Uighurs, and house Christians—but in much smaller numbers.
I have been focused on China. I am aware of organ trafficking in other countries, including in South Asia, but it's a different phenomenon. In China it is government-run. It's institutionalized. It's in state hospitals. In South Asia it's a black market. It's criminal. To a certain extent it's like sex trafficking in the sense that it's undercover and there is some corruption, but basically it's a different exercise.
Also, a lot of the organ trafficking in South Asia is in kidneys. You can live on one kidney, so some poor people will sell a kidney. Their health is compromised with only one kidney, but they are still functioning and they value the money more than the kidney. That's a problem.
However, it's a different phenomenon in China, where people are executed by organ extraction. They're not given any money. Their family isn't given any money. The money all goes to the state.