If I may, I'd like to answer that question by saying that what we're seeing in Haiti right now is a civil war. One of the gangs, which is named “Mouvement révolutionnaire G9”, has an objective of overthrowing the government.
In the past months, they have, in the first place, asked for seats in the government of Ariel Henry; but since the beginning, their idea has been to overthrow the government. Of course, there are ransoms and kidnappings for money and stuff, but the main objective of that group, which was sanctioned by the UN and Canada—Jimmy Chérizier—is to overthrow the government.
I'd like to make sure that we all understand that, because what we are seeing in Haiti is war crime. It's crime against humanity, but also war crime. If we don't put that into the equation, we are going to miss lots of things going on in that country right now.
I'm going—