First of all, it's important to name things correctly. It's not a “conflict”, but a “war”, with Russia against Ukraine.
Several things have to be done. First, we ask that Ukraine be provided with fighter jets, air defence, tanks, anti-missile systems and other weapons.
Second, we need economic sanctions that will cut Russia's ability to continue the war.
Third, this war has an informational dimension, where disinformation, according to Russian Defence Minister Shoigu, has become another type of weapon. We need assistance to help Ukraine fight disinformation.
Fourth, Canada can build a coalition to set up an international hybrid tribunal to prosecute and convict Russian war criminals.
Fifth, binational assistance is needed to support Ukraine.
Sixth, we need international organizations to ensure an international presence and monitoring in war zone, occupied cities, and the evacuation of civilians. We need them on the ground to fulfill their mandates and to work with us, not to be in Geneva, Vienna, the Hague and other safe places.
We need you to stand with us in this dramatic time.
Thank you.