Let me provide a little bit of context.
As I think everybody in this room will certainly know, we've just come out of a WTO negotiation that hit the rocks a few weeks ago and doesn't appear to be going anywhere very quickly. As you know, when you look at trade agreements, the only truly international legal framework governing trade is the WTO. The WTO is international law and it's negotiated by 149 members. It creates a legal framework for dealing with trade and investment that belongs to no country, but belongs to all participating countries. The WTO was critical even to issues like softwood lumber, because through the WTO you can begin to get at issues like the definition of dumping margins or the definition of subsidy. So you can start to influence an agreement like NAFTA with a well-negotiated improvement in the various aspects of the World Trade Organization trading framework. That's now been put aside.
Let's look at NAFTA. People believe wrongly that NAFTA is an international set of laws or a trading framework in and of itself. NAFTA is not. NAFTA is a trading framework that is based on respect for the laws of the individual countries that are partners to NAFTA. So when you have a dispute under NAFTA, as we have with softwood lumber, you must have that dispute adjudicated on the basis of American law. It's not under international law, it's American law, and that is the requirement of the panels that adjudicate these disputes.
So when you believe that you're one legal victory away from ultimate free trade, what you are basically saying is that you're one legal victory away from American law giving you free trade. American law is made by Americans. It's made by the Congress, and they set the regulations; they set the definitions. They have a law that's already made it difficult for us to adjudicate disputes. Witness the fact that we've had spurious cases for the last five years, and many years before that, with allegations against softwood lumber. NAFTA, chapter 19, is there and it's in place, and we go through the litigation cycle. They're able, under American law and under the terms of NAFTA, to bring about these interim duties that destroy companies, destroy families, destroy communities, and it can take us years to get through it.
If you think that by winning all of the current cases that are before us somehow this little problem is going to go away, think again. There is absolutely nothing stopping American industry and the American government from launching new trade actions. There's nothing stopping the Government of the United States from tweaking its own laws to make it even more difficult for us to win chapter 19 cases going forward.
So you've got to be practical and realistic and realize that outside of the World Trade Organization, trade bilaterals and free trade areas that countries enter into are not the same thing. They do not provide for that international legal framework against which you can have disputes adjudicated. You're basically at the mercy of your trading partners.