Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
As my colleague has already noted, the department is committed to strengthening secure access to global markets through negotiation and implementation of commercial agreements, such as free trade agreements; foreign investment protection and promotion agreements, which are referred to a FIPAs; bilateral air negotiations; and other tools.
In this regard, the department has indicated that we would step up efforts to conclude free trade negotiations with South Korea, and we will pursue negotiations with other key markets in Asia and elsewhere.
We've also indicated that we will pursue foreign investment protection and promotion agreements with China, India, and Peru. We have completed air service agreements with these first two countries.
Canada needs to keep up with the rapid expansion of bilateral and regional trade agreements that we see many of our partners pursuing and concluding. Our competitors are seeking and obtaining preferential access to dynamic markets around the world, and they are putting Canadian firms at a competitive disadvantage.
It is important to realize that we have not concluded a single FTA in the past five years. Our relative performance in negotiating FTAs has a material impact on the competitiveness of our firms in foreign markets. Canadian firms are telling us they are losing business due to the free trade agreements of other countries. They are urging the government to level the playing field.
This is why there is a great emphasis being paid to the bilateral and regional agenda, in addition to Doha and the NAFTA activities, as referred to by my colleagues.
I want to emphasize that we are not negotiating just for the sake of negotiating. Business is telling us they are losing business. As Minister Emerson has said on a number of occasions, Canada has not been keeping pace on this front. He has called for Canada to be more aggressive and targeted about our trade arrangements and creating opportunities outside North America.
Again, just to be clear, trade arrangements are more than just free trade agreements. Rather, they include investment protection agreements, air agreements, tax treaties, and other means to help Canadian business and get them involved in global supply chains, such as regulatory cooperation, and science and technology. The list is fairly broad.
Committee members know perfectly well how important trade is for the Canadian economy. For example, nearly one in five jobs in Canada depends on trade.
I believe that when my colleagues came before the committee in early May, they outlined some of the countries we have been working with in the past and today as part of an aggressive effort to secure access to global markets and conclude trade arrangements. In the interests of time, I will spare you a complete listing of these activities again.
Instead, by way of illustration, let me say that in the six weeks that I have spent taking up my position, since after Labour Day, we have been pursuing free trade agreements with Korea; the EFTA countries; the Central Americas, the so-called CA4; and Singapore. Exploratory talks have started with countries in the western hemisphere, such as the Andean community.
Generally speaking, my team is being stretched to the limit just to keep up with the breadth of our activities and the current pace we are keeping. Each negotiation presents its own challenges. The various talks are unfolding at their individual pace, some being more advanced than others. These exercises are grounded in the realities of our domestic sensitivities as well as those of our negotiating partners.
As you can tell from this illustrative list, our activities are wide ranging. These activities around the globe reflect the interest that our stakeholders have expressed for these various markets and regions of the world. We believe this will be an important contribution to strengthening Canada's competitiveness in international commerce. While our commercial agenda is pursued for economic reasons, it also has positive ramifications for Canada's international relations overall, be it development or foreign policy.
We are working to create opportunities outside North America, to take advantage of shifting and growing economic power in these parts of the world. Completing these initiatives will enhance our credibility as a negotiating partner and maximize commercial benefits for Canadians.
The negotiating agenda is delivered by a highly skilled interdepartmental team that draws on the strategic insights generated by the Government of Canada's extensive domestic and international network.
Our posts abroad advance these ongoing initiatives and help us to identify opportunities for Canada. Our posts also promote and represent Canada's international economic and commercial interests abroad, again in consultation with stakeholders.
Mr. Chairman, in closing, I would like to emphasize how important it is for Canadians to continue an ambitious bilateral trade program, which is an important program for the competitiveness of the Canadian economy.