Mr. Chair, it's important to set the record straight on this, because I'm surprised at my colleagues from British Columbia and their ignorance about the B.C. softwood industry.
We have a small organization in Ottawa, the Canadian Lumber Remanufacturers' Alliance, which represents a few dozen lumber remanufacturers that have said they're in favour of the amendments we've just adopted. It's true that they don't have the same tenure structure as we do in British Columbia. The independent lumber remanufacturers of British Columbia have very clearly expressed their disapproval of this egregious usurpation of the definition of “tenure”. I'm appalled that we have two members from British Columbia who don't understand the distinction between B.C. lumber remanufacturers and an eastern organization that represents some eastern remanufacturers. That's the difference, the fundamental difference.
The Independent Lumber Remanufacturers Association was not consulted on the amendment that we've just adopted in this clause. In fact, they expressly objected to the wording and said so and wanted to come before this committee. This committee refused to hear from them, from the hundreds of British Columbia independent lumber remanufacturers that are represented by that organization, many of them in the Okanagan, many of them in northern British Columbia. You can be sure, Mr. Chair, that those lumber remanufacturers are going to be hearing about what transpired in committee today.
I understand now it wasn't done in bad faith. It was just appalling ignorance on behalf of some of the committee members who didn't understand the distinction between an eastern organization, based in Ottawa, and organizations in British Columbia that represent the vast majority of independent lumber remanufacturers in British Columbia.
They said very clearly that we cannot redefine tenure. If we redefine tenure according to the American model, what happens, Mr. Chair, is twofold. Number one, of course we're setting ourselves up for a fall next time there's litigation from the United States, as we have with clause 6. We seem to be hell-bent on doing that in clause 12 as well, as we've done with clause 10. What we are doing progressively, what other members of the committee are doing, is setting us up for a tremendous fall, and for serious consequences because they're not approaching this bill with the seriousness it requires. To define tenure now as something that is subject, even through a sealed bid, arm's-length auction.... A one-time auction will now be considered tenure because we've adopted this. What a catastrophic error.
Rather than agreeing that maybe we're ramrodding this through too fast, and maybe there are implications, and maybe there are lost jobs that will result from this, because, effectively, lumber remanufacturers are going to have to opt out of the B.C. timber sales program, this committee is just ramming through clause-by-clause no matter what the consequences.
I object fundamentally to this, Mr. Chair. It is very clear that what this committee is doing—