I must apologize that I wasn't here when these amendments were put forward. I must state that I have a great deal of difficulty with the whole motion.
On the amendments, let's deal with the one in the second paragraph, “and to our best knowledge, water is not excluded”. We know for a fact that is not correct. If this committee were to accept this, it demeans the whole committee. We know for a fact it's well documented in many places that water is completely excluded, bulk water is excluded from NAFTA.
For this committee to even entertain an amendment that says “to our best knowledge” brings into question the credibility of this committee, not to mention the credibility of the researchers who didn't give us the right advice. If we accepted this, we'd need to bring them in too. It's irresponsible. It demeans the committee to suggest that we haven't done our homework.
We can cite all of the places. For example, let's talk about the statement made in 1993 by the governments of Canada, Mexico, and the United States:
The governments of Canada, the United States and Mexico, in order to correct false interpretations, have agreed to state the following jointly and publicly as Parties to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA): The NAFTA creates no rights to the natural water resources of any Party to the Agreement.
It creates no rights. I don't know how you can get any clearer than that.
Unless water, in any form, has entered into commerce and become a good or product, it is not covered by the provisions of any trade agreement including the NAFTA.
I can go on and read the rest of it. It's plain, it's simple, and it states that.
I'll let some of my colleagues talk about some of the other amendments, but the first amendment is the first one that should very simply be excluded. It's not the motion itself. It's the amendment.