Thank you, Mr. Chair and members of the committee. Good afternoon.
On behalf of the Confédération des syndicats nationaux, I thank you for this invitation to testify about our concerns about the negotiation of a free trade agreement with Korea.
The Confédération des syndicats nationaux is the second largest labour organization in Quebec, representing more than 300,000 workers in all sectors of the economy, mostly in Quebec. We have a presence in both the public and private sectors. The CSN is a member of the International Trade Union Confederation and sits on the Trade Union Advisory Committee, also known by its French acronym CSC, of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Both because of its membership and because of its international affiliations, the CSN is greatly concerned by everything involving trade and the negotiation of trade agreements. The CSN is not opposed to trade. We know that the Quebec economy depends in large part on the strength of its exports. But we have serious reservations about the process currently underway. Given that the multilateral negotiations at the WTO, the Doha Round, are struggling to make progress, we are now seeing a profusion of bilateral accords.
We are particularly critical of agreements like NAFTA, in which the elimination of tariffs comes with provisions that limit governments' freedom of action to regulate, and reduces their ability to support local industry or to require local content.
We believe that not only should any investment provision not restrict a government's room to manoeuvre, but that it should also insist on social responsibility from companies in their labour standards. It should also require that OECD's guiding principles for multinational companies be applied and implemented.
The CSN has always supported the need for trade agreements to recognize the primacy of social rights, human rights and labour rights, specifically upholding basic labour standards in commercial and company law.
We do not feel that these rights are an obstacle to trade. On the contrary, we believe that they must be at its foundation. The opening of markets must have as its objective the improvement of our quality of life; it must encourage the creation of high quality jobs for us, but also for people in the countries with which we sign these agreements.
So we are particularly sensitive to the concerns expressed by the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, which is affiliated with ITUC as we are, about the negotiations underway between our two countries and about the possible effects on their working conditions and on their union rights. In this free trade treaty, Canada favours reaching subsidiary cooperation agreements on the environment and on labour. The government has already indicated its intention to proceed along these lines with Korea.
Unfortunately, beyond this stated intention, we have little information about how discussions are moving forward. We are particularly worried about what form a cooperation agreement on labour could take. Experience teaches us that just because countries have signed an agreement to uphold the ILO's basic principles and labour rights, this does not mean that these rights will become a reality. Regrettably, we must point out that this kind of agreement, NAALC, for example, is clearly limited. The violation of workers' rights is a reality we still face, while a number of trade union rights, such as freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, are excluded from the complaints procedure.
In a word, the shortcomings in complaints and in dispute resolution, as well as in sanctions, are clear. Let us also not overlook problems that a lack of vigilance in upholding social and union rights could cause. According to ITUC's latest report on the violation of union rights, progress has certainly been made, but much remains to be done in Korea. The violations are numerous: anti-union repression directed against the Korean public servants' union, arbitrary firings of union activists, violent attacks on strikers, and so on.
The government must ensure that labour legislation reflects the ILO's basic rights. It must also ensure that they are implemented and that measures are in place so that they are upheld. Furthermore, it must provide for legal recourse when there are disputes and for severe consequences when there are violations. In addition, we are particularly concerned about the Canadian government's position on Special Economic Zones.
According to the International Trade Union Confederation report mentioned earlier, the Special Economic Zones Act of July 2003 contains preference clauses for foreign companies that invest in these zones by exempting them from many national regulations on the environment and on labour standards. This provision suggests the possibility of further violations of workers' rights. Korean trade unions are strongly opposed to this act, mainly because it will allow the hiring of a workforce that is casual and has almost no protection.
How will imports from these zones be handled? What will our requirements on upholding social rights be?
These questions affect us all the more because we have a strong presence in the manufacturing sector—agri-food, paper, forestry, smelting, metal products, electronics, shipyards, etc.—that is presently experiencing serious difficulties. It has seen significant job losses in recent years, and the bleeding has not stopped. Since 2002, 135,000 jobs have been lost in the sector, that is one job in five. In 2007 alone, the year that has just ended, we have 38,100 fewer jobs in manufacturing.
Of course, some sectors are affected more than others. Forestry and textiles above all. Some say that the jobs lost in manufacturing are offset by jobs in the service sector. This is true, but they are often lower quality jobs, meaning that they are less secure, poorly paid, with few benefits, or none at all, and not unionized. We must not forget that, for several years, wholesale and retail sales have replaced manufacturing as the largest provider of jobs in Quebec and this trend shows no sign of being reversed.
The rising level of anxiety from those who see themselves as the losers in globalization must not be taken lightly. It is not enough to say that jobs lost are made up elsewhere. Job loss is first and foremost experienced by real people who find themselves unemployed and with few prospects of finding another job with comparable conditions. This is the turmoil that thousands of Quebec workers are now experiencing. The downward trend in the number of manufacturing jobs is going to continue because of the slowdown in the United Sates and the rise of the Canadian dollar, which is now hovering around parity with the American dollar.
It is in this particularly difficult context that Quebec must also deal with a drop in productivity, mostly due to the lack of investment in machinery and equipment and to inadequate training. Since 2000, Quebec exports have been progressing at a rate that cannot even be called moderate, only 1% per year from 2000 to 2006. This performance is significantly below the 8% recorded in the 1990s.
So, just as for the rest of Canada, Quebec's balance of trade with Korea is in a significant deficit. We do not believe that a free trade agreement with the country will succeed in reversing this trend. Quite the opposite. Far from what now seems to be an article of faith about the virtues of free trade, it seems to us that significant uncertainties persist as to the positive effects that such an agreement will have on our economy, our jobs, our income and our working conditions.
Without getting into a battle of statistics here, economic impact studies on this agreement hardly show cause for optimism. Of course, the CSN is particularly influenced by the study done by the Canadian auto workers, which foresees significant job losses for Quebec.
In summary, the CSN is asking that no agreement be rushed into. A number of factors lead us to believe that a free trade agreement with Korea will have no positive outcomes for workers. Before it proceeds any further, the government has the responsibility to study more carefully the possible consequences of such an agreement on employment, on working conditions and on the distribution of income. It must also provide us with a much clearer picture of the impact on the economy in general, the various sectors of that economy, and on the provinces. In addition, the CSN asks it to take utmost care with social rights and to break new ground in the area by imposing truly deterrent sanctions and penalties when basic labour standards are violated.
Thank you.