No, we have not accessed any government funds.
Over the past ten years, I would say, we have focused mainly on scenarios in which we see an opportunity to go and open up a market. You can't spend promotion dollars until you have created conditions that are reasonable for people to make those investments. Our relationship has been one of identifying those potential markets, and then asking the government to help us to eliminate potential barriers and to create circumstances in which it would make sense to go and make those investments.
From time to time, and certainly not recently, we have gone to the Government of Canada and said we believe a country that's a member of the WTO is not meeting their international obligations, and asked the governmnet to help us make sure that they meet their international obligations so that the platform or the climate is available to us to go and make those investments. We have been pleased with the response we've had. We're not always successful. You have to go and push the button and do things.
The point I would make is that we don't believe you should sit and wait for somebody to come and identify opportunities for you. You have to go out and do that yourselves, and we've tried to do that.
Is there a potential to try to use promotional dollars? Perhaps. Often when you get promotional dollars from the government, there are other conditions or strings, and we'd have to look at those at that point in time.