Thank you for that question.
At the outset, I want to point out that it's not just the United States that Colombia is negotiating with. That is our key competitor in that market, but Colombia is also negotiating with the European Union, with EFTA, and it is expanding its trade agreement with Mexico and concluding, I think, an agreement with Chile. That agreement is now moving through their congress.
The entry into force of a U.S. deal is of particular concern. It would be a definite setback for a number of Canadian companies currently doing business with Colombia. Our estimates tell us that over 1,000 Canadian companies exported to Colombia last year. Many of them are SMEs. We talk about big investors in the oil and gas industry, but as is the case, investment is a driver for trade, so a lot of these large investors are bringing with them their partners from Canada. So we're seeing more activity there; there are over 1,000 now. With the passage of the U.S.-Colombia FTA, these companies will face a significant competitive disadvantage, as they will not benefit from the same preferences as their American competitors will.
As I noted in my statement, Canadian exports to Colombia have grown significantly in recent years. In fact, they're more than double what they were five years ago; they're now at $660 million. Most of these exports are subject to significant tariffs, as you've indicated. For example, on paper and machinery products tariffs are as high as 20%, and on some agricultural products they're much higher; and there are also complications from what are called price bands in Colombia.
These are all part of the negotiations. For example, in the case of all of these exporters, they would be placed at a competitive disadvantage in that range of tariff levels, and this is not only with respect to the U.S., but also with respect to the other trading partners I indicated, who are now in active negotiation with Colombia.
Colombia is an important destination for Canadian investment. Our embassy in Bogota estimates that it's about $3 billion now. That's very significant, considering that we have a stock of foreign direct investment in India and China of about $1.8 billion, so we're looking at a significant presence in Colombia. These investments, particularly in the extractive sectors, have led the way to other exports, such as mining equipment and machinery, which are linked, I believe, to the activity of small and medium-sized enterprises as well.
The Canadian businesses who have established operations in Colombia would be at a disadvantage if the U.S.-Colombia FTA were passed, as their investments would not enjoy the same level of protection as investments made by U.S. companies. Ultimately, this could affect the amount of Canadian direct investment in Colombia and weaken the positive spinoffs that are generated through this investment, including economic development in Colombia.
I think it's worth mentioning an important study this committee should be aware of. Professor Xavier Sala-i-Martin of Colombia University produced a paper just when we were launching these negotiations with Colombia, and it speaks directly to the issue of economic integration, growth, and poverty. Going back to some of the other questions here, the paper talks about the fact that investment will be the main driver for Colombia's benefit in terms of providing economic opportunities, and it speaks to some of the broader issues of institution-building and fortifying democratic principles. It's worth looking at, because he does highlight that issue, and he also highlights the fact that economists don't always capture these benefits in their economic models—and these are the key benefits, the institution-building parts of this, and the issues related to investments.
To get back to the key point of your question, we will be placed at a significant disadvantage in the Colombian market if the U.S. secures an agreement with them and we don't. Our exporters are there and are growing; the government should be there with them.