Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
I am the executive director of Lawyers Without Borders, and I'm here with Denis L'Anglais, who is a member of the board of Lawyers Without Borders.
Lawyers Without Borders is an organization that contributes to the defence and promotion of human rights, the fight against impunity, the holding of fair and impartial trials and the respect of the rule of law in various countries in crisis, developing countries or what we call fragile countries.
We have been active in Colombia since 2003, when we launched at least a dozen missions that led us into virtually all of the regions of the country, from North to South and from East to West. We work alongside local and international partners such as the International Federation of Human Rights, the Colombian Lawyers' Commission or the Colectivo de abogados José Alvear Restrepo.
In December 2007, we published a report that, thanks to the translation service, has been provided to you in French and in English. This is a report that was tabled with the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers. Given that you have the report, I will not deal with it at length here today. I will simply summarize its main highlights to then deal with the issue of concern to us here.
The report contains documented evidence on recent cases showing that acts of violence and aggression against human rights defenders, especially lawyers, continue to be committed. These acts include killings and assassination attempts, threats and intimidation, with the result that these lawyers have been forced to move or go into exile.
Furthermore, the role played by lawyers is often stigmatized by government authorities. Persecution and deliberate contempt for the right to a defence are widespread among administrators in the justice system and the police, who engage in administrative and judicial actions with the intention of criminalizing the practice of law. These attacks obviously have serious consequences in terms of combating impunity, protecting and developing a social state under the rule of law and providing effective representation by a free and independent lawyer to all citizens, including local businesses and foreign companies.
Furthermore, the numerous statements made by the government and the president affirming that human rights activists are serving the cause of terrorism or are FARC members are a violation of articles 16 to 18 of the Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers adopted by the United Nations. These statements have a serious effect on the practise of law and undermine the rule of law by identifying lawyers with armed players, thus endangering their lives and their safety by exposing them to paramilitary attacks. That is our first message for today.
I know that during previous sessions you have heard comments on serious violations of the rights of trade unionists — my colleague will discuss this further today —, of Aboriginal peoples, of environmentalists and of peasant leaders. Our report shows that these violations of fundamental human rights extend to virtually all spheres of Colombian society, including the representatives of justice, namely lawyers. This is a rather simple strategy: without lawyers, there is no justice. You will understand that the rule of law is struck in its very heart. The respect by a country of the rule of law is, however, a prerequisite to the legal security required for the establishment of a healthy business or free trade environment.
This leads directly into the topic for today's discussion.
Lawyers Without Borders is a neutral and non-political organization. We therefore do not express any opinion in favour of or against free trade, neither do we have any specific or philosophical approach as to whether, in theory, free trade has or may have a positive or negative impact on the state of human rights in a specific country.
However, Lawyers Without Borders' focus is on the rule of law, justice, and human rights. We believe it is our role to denounce human rights violations committed by a state. If Canada embarks on free trade negotiations with that state, we believe it is our duty to urge caution. It is in such a context that our representation today must be taken.
A free trade agreement is a partnership. As in any other contract, it is a gesture of approval. In this case, as Colombia is in search of international legitimacy, we can be sure that signing a free trade deal with Canada will be advertised by the Colombian government as a seal of approval.
If human rights are really a priority for Canada, they must constitute a preliminary question. If Canada's undertaking in favour of human rights means something, we must first assess whether Colombia's human rights record makes it a country with which Canada wants to be associated.
Unfortunately, Colombia is no ordinary country. It is a country facing a horrendous internal armed conflict that has lasted for more than 40 years. It is still qualified as the worst human rights crisis in the hemisphere by independent international bodies, such as the United Nations and the Organization of American States. Gross human rights violations are still committed, including with the participation of public forces or the complicity of state agents.
On this, I wish to be clear. There exist in Colombia illegal groups, armed groups that we call guerilla groups, the FARC, the ELN and the PL. They commit gross human rights violations that we denounce as strongly as those that we will be discussing here today, namely the ones committed by the State or by paramilitary groups. However, given that it is the matter of the negotiation of a free trade agreement with the Colombian State that is being discussed, we will today concentrate on the State of Columbia and on the links it may have with paramilitary groups.
We know that the Committee has heard contradictory statements and statistics. Some people say that the situation is vastly improved. That is what you heard earlier. The second message that we wish to deliver to you today is that the situation remains so serious that it does not justify the ratification of a free trade agreement with Colombia without preconditions being fulfilled, specifically in the area of human rights.
What is the present situation? Once again, you have heard various conflicting statements. We are neither a political nor an activist organization. We rely upon what we know best. We are an association of lawyers and we will talk to you about facts that have been established in decisions rendered by international tribunals such as the Inter-American Court of Human Rights or by Colombian courts, after due hearing of the parties. We will talk to you today about evidence proven before the courts after due hearing of the parties.
Even if this fact is largely ignored, it is a reality that the courts have established: the Colombian government itself created the paramilitary groups, in particular with decree 3398 in 1965 and Bill 48 in 1968. These groups were then supported by the government, through the provision of military intelligence, equipment, logistical aid and authorizations to carry weapons.
It is only since 1989 that the paramilitary have been qualified under the law as delinquent groups. Despite this legislative acknowledgment, the Canadian government, again according to national and international courts, has failed in its duty to adopt effective prevention and protection measures for the civilian population faced with paramilitary action. Again despite this legislative acknowledgment, the government presided over the creation of a broad network of civilian police through decrees 356 in 1994, and 2794, in 1997, and this network is but a euphemism for a new form of paramilitary presence.
Worse yet, the direct participation of the army, police forces and public servants in serious crimes, including mass massacres has, up until very recently, been proven in law, namely before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. We could tell you about the Rochella massacre, a 2007 decision, the Ituango massacre, a 2006 decision, the Pueblo Bello massacre, a 2006 decision, and the Mapiripàn massacre, a 2005 decision. These were massacres of local peoples that the army, the police or public servants participated in or approved.
The decisions I have just listed are examples; there are others. Numerous similar cases are still before Colombia's national justice system or international courts. Violence in Colombia is continuing at a dramatic pace.
In the decisions of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights that I mentioned a few moments ago, as in other cases tried before Colombian courts, and in particular the Supreme Court of Colombia, it has been proven that there still today continue to be ties between the paramilitary and various levels of government or the State. Whereas these ties used to be but rumours or carefully guarded secrets, they are today clearly out in the open given the unprecedented wave of arrests, charges and incarcerations of members of the Congress, local politicians, public servants and law enforcement members. These arrests and charge-layings have involved the very top of the State of Colombia, of the country's administration and even President Alvaro Uribe's entourage. For example, Jorge Noguera, who is Chief of the Security Department and was Alvaro Uribe's campaign manager in 2002, is today accused of having allowed the infiltration of the Administrative Security Department — the ASD— by the paramilitary and of having supplied it with lists of trade unionists to be assassinated.
It is in this context, where the courts have recognized and confirmed the existence of direct links between the government and the paramilitary, that the demobilization process of the paramilitary has been launched. This is a process that the government flaunts to show that great strides toward peace are being made in Colombia.
I must talk to you about a legal point. Whereas the majority of the international community, much as it is the case in Canada, believes that the demobilization process is being carried out under a law that was passed in 2005, the justice and peace law, or Bill 975, as it is called, more than 90% of the paramilitary who have been demobilized these last few years were demobilized under another lesser known act, an act of 1982. This act grants complete amnesty to those who apply under it, which means that they have no prison term to serve. These people are simply put back into society without having paid for their crimes.
The highest court of the country, the Supreme Court of Colombia, has stated that this massive demobilization under Bill 782 of 2002 was done illegally and without any legal foundation. The government has ignored this decision and has even accused the judges of ideological prejudice.
In fact, the demobilization process has not even achieved the final result that its name announces, in other words demobilization. The National Reparation and Reconciliation Commission, a creation of the Colombian State — it is not an NGO, but an organization of the State of Colombia —, states, in its most recent report, that more than 60 paramilitary groups have been reorganized and relaunched, often under different names, in 23 departments of Colombia. The paramilitary therefore continue to exist, continue to control a portion of the economy and continue to control parts of the State of Colombia at the local, regional and national levels.
Generally speaking, impunity reigns in Colombia. Hundreds of members of the public forces and of the State machine have participated in gross violations of human rights that have been recognized as such by the courts. However, these people have not yet been arrested, nor accused, nor, most importantly, punished.
In short, Colombia remains a country where the rule of law, justice and the fight against impunity are lame and where the government has defaulted on its international obligations with regard to human rights, having notably been found guilty of violations of the most fundamental of human rights, the right to life of its citizens.
Before signing a free trade agreement with Colombia, Canada should undertake a serious evaluation of the human rights situation and impose conditions prior to the signing of any agreement. These conditions should at the very least include the adoption of concrete measures to remove any ties between the State and the paramilitary, to bring an end to impunity and to respect and protect citizens, lawyers, judges, public servants and civil society organizations working for the promotion and defence of human rights and the state of law.
I will leave you with our third and final message: so as to ensure that an eventual free trade agreement with Colombia produces concrete positive results in the area of human rights, it is now that Canada can have some leverage, but not once the agreement has been signed.
Thank you.