I might add a quick anecdote.
I was in Colombia in February, outside of Bogata, at a social event at which there were a number of members of Canadian companies, Canadian embassy staff, as well as a large number of Colombians, some whom are advisors to either members of the government or to ministers. I was told by the chairman of the Canada-Colombia chamber of commerce, as well as by one other individual who was close to the president, that in the area of environmental law and in the area of corporate social responsibility standards, when they looked at rewriting their laws and regulations regarding those areas they looked to the Canadian laws and standards. They considered them to be best in class, and also considered them to be more politically saleable in a country like Colombia than picking them from the American comparable laws and regulations.
So I think we have in fact led by example, and we have in fact, created a standard in Colombia. The question is, how much more can we do?