These are exactly the provisions, if I'm not mistaken, that we're concerned about.
I reiterate, Mr. Chair, given the amount of funds that are involved, I don't understand why the government would push through this convention without hearing witnesses, without having a full release of the impact study, so we can see what, over the next decade, government is losing and who, essentially, will be benefiting from it, as well. There are some benefits, there's no doubt, within this tax convention. There are some very positive aspects within this tax convention. There are obviously some that should be of concern to all who are interested in public policy and in furthering the work of our government. It just staggers me that the government is trying to ram this through.
Now, since Mr. Pallister's comments were in order, I'll respond to him that the NDP budget is the one the Conservatives seem to raise the most often in the House, both the housing grant--that foundation, that money came through the NDP budget--and public transit today, which they raised, as well.
The most often quoted aspects of any budget over the last few years have been in the NDP budget, and it's quoted by Conservative members because it's actually gotten the job done where the Conservatives have failed.