I agree it's important to analyze all the reports. We can sit here and pass each other reports until the cows come home, and we could have four economists pile up here with five different opinions. In fact, we've had some witnesses, who have already presented to our committee, state in no uncertain terms that there are all kinds of flaws in the methodology and the theoretical foundation specifically of the CAW study. The study assumes that all trade changes as a result of free trade agreements, and in doing so it disregards GDP growth, interest rates, exchange rates, and the rise of China and India. It assumes that Canada does not trade with any other nation, and so any additional import is at the expense of domestic production. It does not consider the current features of Canada-Korea trade like the specific tariff rate.
Ian Burney, the chief bilateral trade negotiator, said last Thursday that the study assumed that 12,000 of those jobs would be lost in the electronics and computer sector, which is already largely tariff-free between Canada and Korea. So it's illogical to assume there will be 12,000 job losses in those sectors. The study also disregards the agriculture industry, ignores notions of longer-term efficiency gains, and dispenses entirely with consumer welfare.
So as I suggested to you, you can have all kinds of individuals who will show more holes than Swiss cheese in your report, and you want to come back and shoot ours down. I think the fact is that we're here to work together. As Mr. Fedchun said, we have to be boy scouts--I have three daughters, so we have girl guides here too--and work together. We believe in fair trade and free trade.
Specifically looking at the Canadian dollar and the increase we've had over the last five months, we've heard from manufacturing sectors across the country--I represent a riding in the interior of British Columbia where we see some real benefits from the Pacific gateway initiative--and the forest sector. Mr. Woo, who spoke to our committee as the president of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, stressed that this is a good deal for all of Canada. Another individual witness, Joan Baron, who is with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Korea, alluded to the fact that there are great opportunities in a million-cars-per-year market in Korea if the industry is willing to adapt itself to meet the Korean specifications.
I guess my question would be, as the major currencies have also appreciated relative to the U.S. dollar, should the auto industry not diversify its export markets? How would you suggest the Canadian manufacturers reorient their strategy in order to export to Korea? That's assuming you're interested in it.
I'm looking at the librarian's report, which said the United States accounted for 96% of the Canadian motor vehicle exports in 2006, which has been pretty consistent since the nineties. So if you're investing and you're looking to broaden your market, it's no different from the case for our own personal investments--you don't put all your eggs in one basket. Canada has fallen behind in foreign trade agreements, so I'd like to hear your thoughts on expanding and looking at the potential market, if that is of interest to you and the industry representatives.
I open the floor to the witnesses, and if I have a few minutes, I'd like to allow my colleague Mr. Miller to ask a couple of questions as well.