Thank you for this question.
I tried to deal somewhat with that. And I understand your question.
When you look at a free trade arrangement, and when you look at the integrated trade model we all have to operate within on a global basis, you can't say you're in a negative position because you have more imports than exports. My point was that a lot of those imports are coming in for further processing in Canada, including in Quebec. Some Quebec companies contacted us during this negotiation and have an interest in this agreement.
A mercantilist approach to these agreements won't give you a good cost-benefit. You have to look at the investments, the imports, and the exports. The opportunities are encased in that whole analysis.
There is a strong interest in expanding.... We always talk about emerging markets: Brazil, China, and India. We're a big player in Peru. We're a big player in Colombia. These are small-sized emerging markets. They're emerging at a very fast pace. The opportunities are there for us. And you can't look at it in a static way; you have to look at the future opportunities as well. We have a very strong platform in Peru. If we didn't have this free trade agreement, that platform would be eroded with all these other FTAs.