In terms of the trade deals, I just want to reiterate that multilateral is our number one preferred approach. It really is. But in the absence of the multilaterals, we recognize that as other countries move ahead, we cannot be competitively disadvantaged. So we have to have the bilaterals until such time as that can happen.
Why is Saskatchewan doing so well? I have some numbers here. In Saskatchewan, 99.2% of all farms are export-dependent. That is why. when exports work well, farmers do well. Canada-wide, 91.6% of farms are export-dependent. Even in Quebec, 75% of the farms rely on either exports or export prices for their livelihood.
So it's huge to Canadian agriculture, and if....
I see you shrugging, Mr. Julian; I can certainly leave some of these stats with the committee.
These are not translated, but perhaps they can be translated and then distributed to all members.