Again, the distinction I'm trying to make is that if we had that kind of information, if we had discovered that in the course of this study, it would have blown up already. We have other cases of legal action and international complaints and so on--with the OECD national contact point and so on--that have been brought forward and where those specific details are available.
I think the purpose of the study was to try to pin down, following the work of this committee on the human rights impact assessment, how exactly that risk could be minimized--ideally, eliminated--in the course of business.
Again, we found a gap. In some cases the gap was more serious than others. We found companies that weren't even familiar with the available mechanisms and protocols. We found other companies that were, as I say, doing the best they can in a difficult situation.
The other point is on where I started a little while ago; I think Étienne can probably speak to this. In the Sur de Bolivar, one of the employment options, if you will, for people is small-scale mining. One of the issues we looked at was the displacement of the small-scale miners in Marmato. You're talking about tens of thousands of people, in this case, who would be displaced by a proposed large-scale mining operation that would employ a few hundred people.
The question there is that as the displacement proceeds, what are those small-scale miners supposed to do?
We're not advocating for small-scale mining as an activity, because it is dangerous for the miners and the environment. It is a topic of discussion on its own, as to whether appropriate technology and investment in small-scale mining can make it productive and safe, but--