So if you don't oppose those two free trade agreements, and I can name others, for example, that Canada is engaged in... This trade agreement, if we look into it, is exactly patterned under those other agreements, and, if anything, with the addition of my colleague Scott Brison's amendment, that enhances it. So if you agree with those, why would you not agree with this one?
But I'll go on, Mr. Chairman, if I may. We talked about unions, displacements, and kidnappings etc. I have statistics here for Mr. Benedict, if I may, where there were approximately 2,882 kidnappings in 2002, and in 2009 there were 2,013. With respect to homicides, in 2002 there were 28,837, and in 2009 there were almost 50% less, at 15,000, and so on.
With respect to unions and their affiliations, I have data here. In essence, the trade union leaders and workers union affiliation has increased from almost 800,000 in 2002 to almost 1.5 million in 2009, which is a 76% increase. I have statistics here, sir, that say the trade union leaders and workers unions that were created--I underline that word, because you brought it up--in 2006, for example, were 74, and in 2009 there were 164. That's an 80% increase.
Either somebody has lied to me and I'm lying to you--and I apologize if that's the case, Mr. Chairman--but maybe you can give me a rebuttal to that, if you would.
In 2002, there were 196 homicides of union leaders. In 2009 there were 28. I believe it is 28 too many and I think we all do around this table. The fact is that it has happened and the fact is they are trying to make efforts.
On women, I want to say, Mr. Chair, regarding initiatives at the multilateral level, that Colombia, together with New Zealand, promoted the adoption of resolution 11/8 on preventable maternal mortality and morbidity and human rights in the eleventh session of the Human Rights Council. In the twelfth session of the Human Rights Council, Colombia and Mexico promoted the adoption of resolution 12/17 for the elimination of discrimination against women. This goes on with other international bodies that Colombia is working with.
I am going to conclude with this, and then anybody can speak for whatever time I have. I have concluded that here we have a nation that is trying to make an effort to get out of this difficult situation they're in.
But can I say to my constituents, Mr. Casey--and I close with you--that jobs here in Canada for my constituents, my taxpayers, are going to possibly be hurt if they can't get their products out in a competitive way and then they can't pay for their kids' education, for the mortgage, and for their groceries? Are the jobs going to be in jeopardy for my constituents in Toronto?