Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for inviting me to testify before the committee today.
The organization I represent has been operating in the field in Colombia since 2003. Our main partner in Colombia is the Comisión Intereclesial de Justicia y Paz, a Colombian human rights organization with which we provide assistance and support to the Metis and African communities in the northern part of the country, the department of Choco, in the region of Bajo Atrato.
I personally have had three long stays in the country. The first, for six months, in 2003, the second for eight months in 2004 and the third from December 2007 to February 2009. So I have fairly good knowledge of what is actually going on in the field.
Today, in this testimony, I'm going to try to show essentially two things: first, that the forced displacement in Colombia is a phenomenon that, among other things, is part of the policy of the Government of Colombia to allow the private sector to appropriate community lands in order to introduce economic development projects in the agri-industrial sector, among others; second, that there is a plan in the country for the political persecution of Colombian human rights advocates and international organizations critical of government policies.
I'm going to provide you with some background to the situation of the communities we are assisting. Those communities are located in the territories of Jiguamiando and Curvaradó, in Bajo Atrato. They were displaced in 1997 following an operation by Brigade XVII of the National Army conducted jointly with paramilitary troops. In addition, judicial proceedings are currently underway against General Rito Alejo del Rio, who was the commander of Brigade XVII at the time.
Since 2000, the communities have begun to gradually return to their lands. However, paramilitary violence resumed in 2003. We have also seen an agri-industrial project being introduced involving African palms intended for the export of biofuels, and has been illegally established in the collective areas of the communities recognized by Law 70 in Colombia.
I personally witnessed a number of paramilitary incursions into the villages when I was there in 2003. During one of those incursions, the commander of the paramilitary operation wore the insignia of Brigade XVII, the National Army, while the troops wore the insignia of the AUC, the Auto Defensas Unidas de Colombia, a paramilitary group.
Also during that incursion, the paramilitary troops told the communities they were there to take back the lands and to support the major project to develop the African palms to be planted.
In 2005, the Colombian rural development institute, a government body, prepared a report following the proceedings of an African palm plantation audit commission, stating that 93% of palm plantations established on the communities' lands were illegal. Unfortunately, despite all the efforts made by Justicia y Paz to assist the communities in taking back their lands, that was not always done. There are now more than 15,000 hectares of illegally planted African palms on the lands.
An even greater concern is that evidence has been gathered of the paramilitary's involvement with palm businesses and the fact that the businesses have taken advantage of government financial support. The evidence we have found points to connections between the paramilitary and the palm businesses in the Baja Atrato region. We have admissions from paramilitary members themselves, including a top military leader by the name of Éver Veloza, known by the pseudonym of HH, who before he was extradited to the United States as part of the demobilization process, made a number of declarations. Among other things, he handed over a USB stick containing documents concerning the relationship between Vincente Castaño, one of the highest-ranking paramilitary leaders in Colombia, and the African palm project in the Curvaradó.
He also stated that Rodrigo Zapata, alias El Negro, another demobilized paramilitary leader, who at the time was leader of the Calima Bloc under his authority, was in charge of the palm business in the region, and that he had been responsible for legalizing the papers for the lands at INCORA—the Colombian agrarian reform institute—to allow the project to be implemented in Curvarado.
In another troubling fact, in 2009, a report equivalent to that of our Auditor General revealed evidence that nearly 100 per cent of the funding used to implement the illegal African palm project on the communities' lands came from public funds, mainly from FINAGRO, the Colombian government's agricultural financial company.
It will be recalled that, from 1996 until the present, these communities have experienced a total of 140 assassinations and forced disappearances and more than 15 forced displacements, responsibility for which is directly attributable to the Colombian government.
In the second part of my presentation, I would like to draw your attention to the media, political and judicial persecution conducted of the human rights advocacy organizations in the field. You have probably heard from other witnesses about the existence of a document confiscated by Colombia's office of the attorney general from the DAS, the department of administrative security, the Colombian intelligence service. I'm only going to read you a few brief excerpts, which are quite horrifying. The document dates back to June 2005:
OPERATION TRANSMILENIO—OVERALL OBJECTIVE: To neutralize NGOs in Colombia and worldwide. To establish links with narco-terrorist organizations in order to incriminate them. OPERATION INTERNET: Objective: To create controversy surrounding NGOs. STRATEGIES: Discredit. OPERATION FOREIGNERS: Objective: To neutralize the actions of foreign citizens. Operational investigations. Discretion and pressure. Deportation. Press releases and denunciations.
In concrete terms, we are experiencing the consequences of what is written in these documents. Since October 2008, there's been a new wave of attacks against human rights NGOs in Colombia, particularly against our partner in Colombia, the Comisión de Justicia y Paz, against our Canadian human rights organization, PASC, and against the Brigades de Paix Internationales, an internationally recognized agency involved in the region.
In the fall of 2008, I personally witnesses numerous death threats made by cell phone against field team members of Justicia y Paz, an episode that resulted in the kidnapping by paramilitary members of Justicia y Paz's field team in November 2008, who fortunately were subsequently released. The fact remains that the paramilitary are still very much present in the region and that, in concrete terms, the only difference we see following the demobilization process is a change in modus operandi.
Since the start of this year, a major defamation campaign has hit Justicia y Paz and our organization. Articles were published in the national dailies in December 2009, one of which was written by Jose Obdulio Gavrira, a former advisor to President Rivet, in which Justicia y Paz, the Brigades de Paix Internationales and PASC were accused of working directly with FARC-EP, the Colombian guerilla force.
On February 16, as part of a radio program hosted by Mr. Fernando Londoño, former minister of the interior in the Uribe government, baseless accusations were made in an attempt to establish a false connection between us and the Colombia guerilla force. I would therefore like to remind you that this strategy of associating the human rights NGOs with the armed struggle on the extreme left converts human rights advocates into targets for paramilitary personnel and that, in its annual report last March, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Colombia once again identified human rights advocates as vulnerable groups and stated that the increase in attacks and threats against them was directly attributable to defamatory public statements made about them by members of the government, among others.
For us, the series of defamatory comments and threats to which we and our partner have been subjected is not an isolated case. It is an indication of a policy that involves the highest levels of the Colombian government.
In closing, I would remind you that Colombia is one of the 10 countries in the world that is under the preliminary review by the International Criminal Court. In our view, ratification of a free trade agreement between Canada and Colombia would constitute a disavowal by the Canadian government of the work being done by Canadian NGOs in the field. It would also have the consequence of seriously increasing the risk to our field workers and removing the guarantees that enable us to continue our work.
Thank you.