Thank you.
I'd like to thank our guests today for their comments. It's helpful as we go through our deliberations, because since we had the opportunity to become involved in the Canada-Colombia free trade deal, we've had roughly 120 interventions, give or take a couple. We've had dozens and dozens of interventions from individuals and organizations who frankly do not support this free trade agreement for any number of reasons.
I think the testimony we've heard on both sides has been wide-ranging and comprehensive. I'm not certain how much more testimony adds to the argument, but I would say to you that, like today, people have very strong views, and we as a committee have heard all of those views. I think it allows us to come closer to our own perspective on this, so thank you for your contribution.
What has been really compelling to me is that the testimony I've heard, particularly from officials from Colombia who have come here, is that they acknowledge that this is not a perfect place. I think that acknowledgement is not just refreshing, but I found their testimony to be sincere and helpful as we reviewed certain things.
I heard comment from one of my colleagues opposite who talked about one of the countries we deal with in NAFTA, that they have a rules-based system--and not really rules, but.... Frankly, I'd prefer something that has a foundation in rules, because when there are arguments, disputes, or concerns, we always have something we can fall back on.
Mr. Laforest, you were commenting on Mr. Brison's testimony earlier, and you asked, what comes first, the chicken or the egg? My concern is that if we don't do this deal, there will be no chicken and there will be no egg. There will be no beef, there will be no wheat, there will be no grain. That's a deep concern I have.
As I've looked over the testimony we've had, with some 120 interventions, I've looked at the organizations that have supported this free trade deal. I want to mention some of them, because I think it serves a point.
I'd ask you to find the theme in this, please: the Canadian Cattlemen's Association, the Grain Growers of Canada, Canada Pork International, the Canadian Swine Health Board, the Canadian Wheat Board, Pulse Canada, the Canadian Canola Growers, and Alliance Grain Traders. The theme with all these organizations is food.
One of the most compelling testimonies I heard was a couple of weeks ago when a gentleman from Regina, Mr. Al-Katib, talked about red beans. He said we can't get red beans into Brazil; there's a 60% tariff.
I wanted to understand why that's such a big deal, so I studied up on red beans. I found out that a cup of red beans provides some 225 calories. It provides high protein, high dietary fibre, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. It's so significant that we can't get that product, which is nutritious for the poorest of the poor, into Colombia because of the high tariff system.
But the organizations I've just mentioned, all these food-based organizations in cannot tell me around this table--I don't mean this to our guests--that these people do not care about their industry, that they do not care about Canada, that they do not care about their international obligations. I think there is nothing more compelling, if you ever come back to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, than feeding our people. That's our obligation around the world.
I'll turn my time over to Mr. Keddy, if there's a moment left.