I want to be clear. We didn't support the trade deal just to help Jordanian workers; we supported the trade deal to try to create a level playing field among all countries, which is the way we think trade should be. Trade should be level, with the rules applying the same in one country as in another, to eliminate the chance of exploitation of people, exploitation of the environment, or whatever the case is. Just to be clear, we were trying to help Jordanian workers, but only because we're trying to level the playing field and make it fair.
The law in Jordan calls for these factories to have 10% of the workforce as Jordanians. I never saw that, not once. You see a handful of Jordanians here and there, always with different work hours, always with different work rules, but there are very, very few. For instance, I was in a factory that produced clothing for Walmart and Kmart and some other retailers as well. There were at least 1,200 workers in there, almost exclusively Filipina young women--and they look for young women--and Chinese and Bangladeshi young women. I saw no Jordanians. It's very, very easy to see.
The answer is that there's a small percentage there, but not what the law calls for, and nothing like we would ever have thought would be the case for this trade deal of the U.S. government with Jordan.