Thank you, and thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, gentlemen.
I am a new face here, just filling in for my colleague, so thank you for obliging me. I appreciate it.
Just so you know, my riding is called Newmarket—Aurora. I am pleased to be here, because I think it aptly says what we need to do for our corporations.
I just have a question for you, Mr. Blackburn, if I may.
And, Mr. Casey, if I may say, prior to my election, my company had a very large contract with one of the members of your association who worked in the softwood lumber area, and we had a great rapport with them. It was a great contract. We got to know a lot about the softwood lumber industry, and I have great respect for the people in your industry.
Mr. Blackburn, if I might ask you, last year I had the opportunity to be in Africa and I visited Zambia, Botswana, Benin, and Burkina Faso. When I was in Zambia and Burkina Faso, I met with people who were in the mining industries, Canadian companies working in the extractive industries there. One of the things they talked to us about was the incredible number of infrastructure projects that went on as subsidiaries to the mining industry. What I saw in Burkina Faso with IAMGOLD up at the Essakane mine was an enormous project to provide roads, hospitals, and schools for many of the people around there. So we're talking about the corporate social responsibility that goes along with these industries.
I wonder if you can speak to your experience specifically in Panama with the projects you've done, and just about your experience globally. Will a free trade agreement enhance what Canadian companies are doing in these other areas?