Well, I have an answer. On the language you find in this agreement, which is committing to extending the arrangement of quick talks to extend the agreement or to consultation on a very expedited basis if there are problems that arise from this agreement, this type of language is inserted into every international trade agreement. If I had the books here, I could point out to you where it is in the free trade agreement, in NAFTA, in the 1994 agreement, and in the 1981 agreement. It's always there. It's also there generally. It was there in the GATT. It's in the WTO agreement now--on all subjects.
Now, can you imagine Canada not responding promptly to a U.S. request on a trade matter? I can't. The reverse is not always true, but they have been responsive in the past.
As I said before, you can always have an agreement if you're looking for an agreement at any cost. This is, I fear, what we did this time.
I don't understand why you say this provides a good basis to go forward--