I've heard first-hand on the embassy issue and the booth at the trade expo, and I would say to committee members that embassy staff do a good job. But I can tell you, if you have a couple of Japanese buyers with you, the Canadian pavilion, with its Canadian flag, being empty.... You've had a booth for four years in a row. If you take your buyers to an empty table and you get kicked out, it isn't great for sales.
All I'm saying, Gerald, is that a little common sense goes a long way. On the other hand, the embassy staff do good work. That's all I'm saying.
On the automotive side, Mark, you talked about Japan having quite a number of what you called “active public policy tools”, which hamper the ability of us to move vehicles to Japan.
Is there anything that can be done? If there's a trade agreement, an EPA with Japan, it may not be a huge advantage to the Canadian auto industry in the way it is at the moment, but is there anything that can be done to accommodate that concern, from your perspective?
What would we have to see in an agreement with Japan to get around these active public policy tools that they're using to keep us out of the market?