Certainly we're amenable to discussion, which is why we've been having ongoing and very constructive discussions with the actual negotiation team in the consultations that have been going on. We have to start with getting rid of the non-tariff barriers, for one. We have to also remember, however, that there's a number of policies in place, for instance, that apply to domestic vehicles themselves, which force, basically, sales of the super mini-size types of vehicles. They get preferential treatment in taxation. They get special parking permits. So even domestically there are things in place that force the market or skew the market into that small segment area. These are all the things that, again, detract from your ability to enter that market.
Clearly, we need to talk about how we get rid of the non-tariff barriers of trade, we need to talk about even some of their own domestic policies that skew the market, and we need to talk about, for instance, the other policies that prevent the extension of the dealership network, the parts supply network, etc.
So there's a number of things that would have to be done. I guess I have to look to the history, though. In the four times that the United States tried to rectify this matter, the initial response was positive, but soon thereafter other non-tariff barriers or policies came up that actually detracted.... In some cases, penetration of the market prior to those agreements being put in place was greater than after they were put into place.
So we have a real problem here with the historical record of their performance. We, still, in terms of OECD countries, are at the bottom of the heap, and with only 4% of their domestic market being able to be accessed by any country outside of Japan.