Okay. I''m able to go back over the 20-year evolution. By the way, it was December of 1989 when Noriega was forced out of the country, and 1990 was the commencement of democracy in Panama. I have seen the development of free elections. I have no doubt that the elections of the president of the assembly and anyone who has an elected position are proper. I don't believe there was ever any question of manipulation. To me, that's the basis of the democratic system: free elections.
I've seen huge differences in the judicial system and the appointment of Supreme Court judges. There were many judgments that were made by the Supreme Court contrary to government action, whereby the Supreme Court challenged the government. It's usually a sign of independence when that happens. I've seen tremendous improvements in the GDP, in the standard of living, in the educational system, in the general infrastructure, in the availability of health care—a huge improvement there—and in the availability of education to most people.
I still find—and I'm still bothered by—a lack of positive change in the rural areas, which is where Panama as a country has not been able to reach out, but certainly in the other areas there have been very significant improvements.