Once again, we've been using the “Technical Summary of Final Negotiated Outcomes” to begin the education of our customers. We think industry's clear outline of tariff reductions and the benefits of going into the EU is a very positive start.
Increasing awareness in general through further communications—and maybe speaking directly through the trade associations to specific industries that will benefit and working with the provincial partners to get that message across—will also be beneficial. This was a landmark deal in terms of working with the provinces to deliver unique benefits across the country, which they bought into.
We think taking that to the next step—making sure the province communicates with industries located there that can benefit—will go a long way, as will having trade missions, increasing business relationships, increasing the dialogue, and continuing the dialogue with stakeholders like the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters, I.E. Canada, and companies like us that have private companies looking to expand their export opportunities.