I think first and foremost it's making the document, the negotiating text, public. We saw that with the FTA. It's not new. We've seen it with WIPO as well, so that's just a starting point.
I would like to see the consultations that countries have. I'd like to see a pipeline from that to the actual decisions and the policies that are proposed. For example, in Canada we had a consultation. The government also had one. They were required to join the TPP. From what documents I have here, from access to information, 65 industry lobbyists wrote in—the consultation—largely in favour of the TPP. About 47,000 citizens wrote in mostly with concerns, a copyright chief among them. That consultation as far as I can tell was not considered. People were not notified. It seems like it was shelved. When I actually spoke with the TPP negotiator when I went to a TPP round in Auckland, he seemed to have very little knowledge of that consultation at all, which I found frustrating.