Thank you.
I have a question for Ms. Oliva.
Thank you for being here as well, and thank you for continuing on in your caring, compassionate way. I've read some of your background, and it's just such a horrific situation. Your husband disappeared, and I know that none of us around the table can understand or empathize from that perspective. We want to help those people who are in Honduras.
My question to you today would be a follow-up to Mr. O'Toole's comment about whether we turn our backs and isolate or we engage the Honduran people in social development, social justice, human rights initiatives, and economic development. Do you think that's the correct direction in which we should proceed?
Supplementary to that, within the agreement itself.... We talked about rights of workers. Canada and Honduras have negotiated both a labour chapter, within the free trade agreement, and a parallel agreement on labour cooperation, including extensive enforcement obligations and associated penalties.
Under the agreement on labour cooperation, Canada is dedicated to working with Honduras to promote labour standards and better protect workers. Canada is providing labour-related technical assistance to help Honduras meet its obligations under this agreement. Do you think that is a positive initiative in addition to lowering the prices of beef and pork? Or should we just turn our backs, leave Honduras, and not engage?