Thank you very much, Chair.
Maybe we should have reversed the order, because I'm going to talk about the current global markets action plan and not the future one, which John was contemplating.
Thank you very much. I really appreciate the opportunity to appear before the committee.
The global markets action plan is a fairly straightforward document. I'll just make some brief comments on each of its four key elements. The first one is priority markets.
It's nice to see some prioritization linked to the kind of good or service or the kind of business we can do in specific markets. Obviously a fair amount of thought went into this. Resources are tight for diplomats, and it makes sense to have a plan to allocate them or to prioritize the allocation.
I understand that the list of priority markets was put together after a ranking of country business potential was made using fairly basic economic indicators, on which was overlaid a set of “ease of doing business” indicators, an assessment of the potential for the Canadian government to be helpful to the growth of business between Canada and the particular market being ranked, as well as some non-economic considerations, such as good relations or broader geopolitical considerations.
I think the list thus put together is fairly solid. But I say this only because the plan emphasizes that it is flexible. I can think of a number of countries, even quite sizeable economies, even a G-20 country, even countries with which Canada has been trying to conclude trade agreements, that did not make the list of priority markets. It's not a concern, necessarily, but I think it's an interesting point. For most of these, there are very good reasons—I would say non-economic reasons—for their not being on the list, but we wouldn't want to write them off forever.
Of course, one country currently on the list, Russia, which in fact was initially selected precisely because it was not one of the “usual suspects”, to quote the original study behind this, has in the space of a few months become a bit suspect, I would say, and certainly distinctly less promising. Indeed, it is experiencing large capital outflows at the moment, for reasons we can all imagine.
So, having thought about a list and produced a list—which was the first part of the plan—of countries and priority markets is very useful, but flexibility going forward is key.
The second part of the plan focuses on economic diplomacy. Some have said that this plan puts economic diplomacy at the heart of foreign policy, but I'm not so sure. It puts it in the brain, maybe, but maybe not in the heart.
Given that this is a global markets action plan and not, say, a human rights action plan or a development action plan or a security action plan, I find it hard, looking at the plan as a global markets plan, to conclude that the commercial concerns, as central as they are in this plan, will override non-commercial or geopolitical considerations. Foreign policy will always influence trade, because like-mindedness or at least compatible-mindedness and dialogue influence both the desire and opportunities for mutual trade, investment, movement of people, etc. In turn, strong economic relations often underpin beneficial relations on other fronts.
People have seen an opposition here between economic diplomacy and perhaps more traditional Canadian foreign affairs concerns. Personally, I see less of that. We just published three or four weeks ago a study showing that there was a strong link, for example, between the strength of government-to-government relations between Canada and a country and trade links between that country and Canada. So I see the two as more intertwined, and not economic diplomacy as something strange or outside of normal diplomacy, necessarily.
This brings me to the plan's short but crucial section on trade and investment negotiations. Obviously it's a very busy period for negotiators, something John has alluded to. From being somewhat a laggard, Canada is becoming a leader again in concluding leading-edge trade and investment agreements. Mutually beneficial trade and investment links both with countries on the priorities list and those left out of it, some of which are pretty interesting countries, can be enhanced through bilateral, regional, and multilateral negotiations that are referred to in the plan.
Furthermore, what I really do like about this short section is that it integrates the trade negotiations with the other suite of negotiations that are really important to make a commercial or a trade relationship—or a relationship, period—work. Education agreements, investment agreements, air agreements, and regulatory cooperation: without these, trade agreements, or the traditional ones at least, would work far less well. So the integration of all these agreements—and including education in the process—I think is very important.
Finally, the last section talks about building on Canada's comparative advantage. I don't have the exact title in front of me, but that's the basic idea. It talks about building on our competitive advantages, and really, there it talks about two things that are of keen interest, at least to me.
One is the sectoral list. I've gone through it. I've analyzed it. I've looked at whether the list of countries corresponds to the list of industries, and actually, it all hangs together. I usually like to find fault with these kinds of analyses, but suffice it to say that I think the list of industries or sectors that are focused on here as part of the plan does highlight the fact that Canada is becoming a more diversified economy.
Yes, there's mining, absolutely. Yes, there's oil and gas. Yes, there's agrifood. But when you look at what we're targeting in terms of our trade with developing countries, you see that ICT, aerospace, and again, education are being featured in the vast majority of the countries that we're focusing on, as well as some R and D-intensive sectors such as life sciences. I think that's a positive story there that we're trying to develop through trade.
Finally, on SMEs, small and medium-sized enterprises, I think that's the right focus. They are facing barriers to growth, and challenges, and learning by exporting is one way that a small or medium-sized enterprise—and there's some literature on this that's quite striking—can learn to become innovative and grow, simply because otherwise you can't export. If you're forced to export or you're forcing yourself to export, you have to become more innovative and more productive and try to plug into the global value chains of some of the bigger companies.
Frankly, we've been having trouble growing SMEs in this country. I think trade is a promising way if we focus on them, as we do in this plan, to help them grow and to help our economy grow.
In short, I don't have a lot of criticism of the plan. It's clear. It goes in the right direction. It's flexible, and I think that's very important. It mentions ongoing consultation. It mentions tweaking the plan as required, and that's very important. Overall, I think it's a good platform for moving Canadian interests forward.
Thank you.